Last week on November 6th and 7th over 200 motivated school nurses attended our annual conference! The conference started out with a bang with Dr. Jane Chevako and her menagerie of characters with the topic of "Are you my School Nurse" Other topics for the first day included vaping, human trafficking and GI/Ostomy care. We had an informative and productive IASN membership meeting and adopted a revision of our bylaws (see the bylaws section). The second day kicked off with Dr. Jane again and her topic of "Hots, Snots and Trots" which was a great overview of the major health issues that most school nurses face. The other topics and vendors were all great! Many of the attendees I chatted with really liked the new location! Please comment on this blog if you have any feedback. I hope to have some new pictures up on the carousel soon! Thanks so much to all who attended and participated! Hope to see you all again next year!